Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Little Bit of Sunshine

The following isn't a quote from Ghandi, or the Dalai Lama. It's just a note from a very dear friend of mine.

"I love what you have written... Mistreatment of and violence towards women is something that can make me so burdened, make me lose my shit and feel hopeless for the direction this world is headed. It's so, so shitty buddy, and mostly it seems there is an exponentially growing number of shitty men raising their boys to be even shittier men. Living on the south side, I see or hear examples every day. But buddy, buddy: I know men, a surprising number, who are fighting for not only violence against women to stop, but for respect of those women and support of them and their empowerment. And here's the beautiful, wonderful thing buddy: we're growing. Don't lose heart. Women are an integral part of this world. A growing number of men are understanding this and fighting hard for it to be common knowledge. Not all of us are bad, and the ones that are are very slowly starting to realize they're really fucking wrong. Please don't feel hopeless my buddy because there is most certainly hope."

In response: It's impossible to feel hopeless when I get notes like this. Instead, I feel like a tap dancing penguin.

Bottom line: THANK YOU. To men, women, and everyone in between who are filling the world with a little more love, a little more respect, and a little more dignity. Stay active, guys. Spread the love. It brings a little bit more sunshine to the world every day.

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